green beans
butternut squash*
sweet potatoes*
apples, pears, peaches**
chicken, turkey, lamb***
something called "breakfast griddle"****
She eats a lot of carrots, green beans and peas. And she's not crazy about the carrots. There are a few mixed/garden/variety vegetable baby foods that are basically some combination of those and maybe 1 or 2 other things and she eats those. And she eats a lot of babyfood oatmeal and rice cereal.
But thanks to mom's home-cooking, her diet is more varied and interesting than the same old peas, carrots, green beans all the time. I make her avocado, zucchini and yellow squash. I let her play with whole foods like apple slices, broccoli and asparagus. I know not to make her carrots, spinach, or collards because of nitrate poisoning. But I like collards so as soon as she's old enough, she gets those, too. And okra. As summer goes on, I'll make e-baby purees of whatever we're getting at the farmer's market and freeze little cubes of it in my fancy new silicone ice trays.
Today I made a puree of fresh, ripe avocado mixed with babyfood peas and water. I gave a spoonful to e-baby and she squealed. Then she yelled until I gave her more.
In other e-baby news, she had her first swimming lesson yesterday. It wasn't so much a swimming lesson as a "get your baby in the pool and blow bubbles at her until she puts her face in the water" lesson. We had a good time and afterwards, e-baby slept for 2 hours. She was pooped! Here's a picture:
* e-baby seems to be allergic to these, so no-go. Although she finds them delicious.
** I will let her have her fill of fruit in a month or so, but I'm establishing veggies first so that she doesn't reject them later
*** we're not doing meat until she's at least a year old. Even then, I don't know whether I can handle changing a carnivore's diaper. Just, eewe.
**** this scares me. It's basically eggs, sausage, bacon, potatoes and waffles all pureed into one big, trans-fat-filled mush.
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