Final combined SNG-Alphagal score:
Chicken fried steak: 1
Stuffed, bacon-wrapped fire-grilled jalapenos: 7
And the peppers take the win!
Friday we went hiking at Enchanted Rock and the timing was perfect because by Friday night it was cold, cold, cold. There was freezing rain, wind, and more thick black mud than I ever again care to experience. While most of my family were, sadly, suffering in tents or campers/SUVs, SNG, e-baby and I were in a heated mini-cabin. E-baby is used to sleeping alone, so whenever we'd move or SNG would snore, e-baby woke up and cried. So we had warmth, but they had peace and quiet. During the day, e-baby was so unhappy and cold until one of my cousins found her a big, pink marshmallowy snowsuit at a resale shop. They have no idea how much that made the whole weekend better. Incidentally, our mini-cabin was nice enough to motivate my dad to reserve all of them for next year's campout. If anyone starts to reminisce about The Good Old Days of true camping, we'll just pull out pictures of the ice on the trees and the mud on our clothes.
E-baby's first Easter was fun. The Easter Bunny brought her a plush basket, a stuffed rabbit, and a decorated avocado. She doesn't yet eat eggs, but she eats the baby guac, and E.B. apparently knew this. He also brought her a speckled rubber ducky for her bath and some FABULOUS matching mommy-baby Corazon! socks. What a lucky babygirl.
Every time you post another picture I am amazed by how much e-baby has grown! Oh my gosh she looks so different now from just a week or so ago when you got the photos taken. She seems to be teething too! Very cute!
The decorated avocado is *hilarious*. That's awesome. And hey, it's egg-shaped, so close enough, right?
Wait till you see the batch of pictures at the house here on Easter Sunday. Your Mom just went click-click-click and got a bunch of choice ones! She sent them snail-mail yesterday.
I loved hearing her saying "mama" and get so excited to see you.
Reggaeton allowed ebaby to love on him and she was all smiles. Too cute!!
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