Yesterday at 6:30am, Fuzzy picked up SNG and they, along with another groovy groomsman, headed north to DC to meet with the rest of the guys for a bachelor party weekend. They had greasy food for breakfast, played paintball all day, ate a steak dinner at some suitably masculine chop-house, enjoyed locally-brewed beer, and then wrapped up the evening at a Jazz club. At least, that's what they told me and Peace and Other Grovy Groomsman's wife. For all we know, they drove to Tijuana to watch a show involving livestock. But I doubt that.
With only us girls here, We woke up Saturday at 7 ("We," as in the Royal We: e-baby woke up and I went to get her majesty). I cleaned up around the house a bit-- my housecleaning service has run away to Florida and won't be back-- and went to the tailor shop at 9:30 to get my dress altered. At 11, my friend Zen and her baby Season came over for a 2-hour hike, both of us with babies in backpacks. With the extra 18-20 pounds, it really counted as a 3-hour hike. Or one of those military drill things, complete with obstacles: we forded a raging river, crossed over and under downed trees, bushwhacked through weeds and vines, and dodged oncoming bikes. I love that we can walk out the back gate of my yard and hike for miles and miles without ever walking on a street with cars.
After the hike, Dianaverse, Zen/Season, e-baby and I went shopping for strappy, open-toed platinum shoes (1-1/2" pointed heel, ankle strap, thank you), some hair products, and some baby stuff. e-baby got 2 new hats and a pull-along-rolly-toy-thing. Dianaverse found shoes, pants, and some rabbits. Season got a bunch of summery hats.
While we were in the toy store, Neil Diamond's Cracklin' Rose came on the radio. You remember that song, right? I was singing it real quiet-like and dancing with e-baby, just a little bit. Trying VERY hard not to be obvious, because y'all know I'm kind of embarassed about the whole Neil Diamond thing. Zen turns to me, eyes wide open, and says "You like Neil?!" and busts into the chorus with me. There we are, singing and dancing to Cracklin' Rose with our babies, right out in public for all the world to see. It was LIBERATING! I told her that SNG gets to upset when I listen to Neil Diamond, and she laughed and said her husband does, too.
It was also liberating to know that someone else besides my mom busts out singing and dancing right in the middle of a store. A kindred spirit!
Mom, come to town. You, Zen and I have to start up an all-girl Neil Diamond cover band. Season and e-baby will play tambourines.
SNG comes home this afternoon sometime and hopefully I'll get a different song in my head by then.
I am so frightened for ebaby!!
So, what did e-baby think of the shoes? Were they tasty enough for her?
I'm a Neil Diamond fan, I would join in at the cover band.
Christa, you are IN! You rock.
"It's Brother Love, Brother, Said Brother Love's Travelin' Salvation Show (hallelu-hallelu!)"
And yes, the shoes were delicious. But what e-baby REALLY loves to chew on are PRICE TAGS. Mmmmmm.
My mom and I have also been known to sing in shoe stores. We once got some very strange looks from store employees when we sang along to "Superfreak" at Shoe Carnival. (Hey, it was on THEIR intercom system...)
"She's a very kinky girl, the kind you don't take home to muthaaaaah..." :)
I'm studying up on my ND lyrics so I'll be ready to Rock & Roll! And when we're all through, we'll serenade SNG with our sappiest version of "You Don't Bring Me Flowers, Anymore", which, BTW, is the only song I think SNG thinks he ever sang! Really, who can't love "Craklin' Rose", Bro L's Trav Sal Bnd", "I am, I Said", "Walk on Water" "Soolaimon" ..... oh, don't get me started! And yes, I do have everything he's ever recorded!
ebaby's Easter pictures are wonderful!
L, Mom
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