© We drove to Pittsburgh today. We tricked Dan (aka GIGANTOR, aaka Fuzzy) into driving all the way there by telling him that if the driver’s seat had less than 200 pounds on it that the van would blow up. Just kidding. But not really. Because it’s a very dangerous thing to put a small person on a weight sensor bomb.
(J)The drive to Pittsburg and Montreal included many funny little jokes…put ‘em on the glass, Elvis was put on the building – make that the BFV, I don’t know what I’m forgetting, but what ever it is isn’t in the van. Actually, what we forgot was the “David”, so technically, what we forgot wasn’t “on” the van.
(E)The first thing I said to Dan we loaded my stuff on the van, “I don’t know what I forgot, But whatever it is, it’s not on the van.” It turns out I forgot a few things. The ever elusive comb. chain lube, the handlebar mount for my GPS. I haven’t noticed anything else yet, or if I did I already forgot what is was.
I did remember my pillow but failed to sleep much anyway. The trip did get off to a good start in spite of
my lack of sleep.
(GIG) I like to drive. Raleigh to Pittsburgh through NC, WV, and VA is pretty country, even in a rental.
Say bye-bye, Goofch!!

I am LOVING the pimped-out truck. Pray tell, did you get a good look at the driver of said vehicle? Was there a mullet involved? I need a description!
I hope you also noticed the rear window-- deer themed. Clearly he was telling the world that when he's not hunting a fine rack, he's hunting a fine rack.
I don't remember the driver's face, but some things are probably better left to the imagination.
Oh hell yeah. That is too awesome.
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