Today's the Due Date.
At 2:30 this morning, early labor began.
Early labor typically lasts 7-8 hours, but can take much longer for 1st babies.
It's now 5pm. Still in early labor.
Darn well better not be false labor.
Update will follow when there is more to tell.
Alphagal talked to the doctor. This sounds like the real thing, just that this stage lasts longer that 8 hours (duh).
This is Cat's baby. Girl baby at that.
She is due today.
Ergo, she WILL come today.
How can it be otherwise?
She's trying REAL hard to show up today, but she can't seem to find the door. It will most likely be very early on the 24th.
But, that counts for ON TIME. She started on the 23rd. Just like Cat told her. Punctual.
That is so awesome, I'm so excited for all 3 of you. (How about that? You're now a three!)
And 2:30 a.m. on the due date *totally* counts as being on time, even if she doesn't technically show up until the 24th. I'm sure she's just taking care of some last-minute details before she makes her arrival.
Can't wait to hear the next update.
Yay!! Congratulations on a hard job well done!
Je suis si heureuse pour vous !! Félicitations et gros bisous de France !
Lots of Love to you 3
Congratulations you two! Can't wait to see baby pictures!
Congrats y'all!
Must see pics!
Update will follow when there is more to tell.....Is somebody out there to tell us more please????
Ursel and I are sitting here in Germany and don't know what's going on in the Woods.
Well, I know that she arrived at close to 4 a.m. on Sunday the 24th - so, a few hours past her due date, but still awfully punctual. And mom and baby are reportedly both doing well.
I'll leave all other details for the happy parents. (Who had better POST SOME DANG PICTURES ALREADY!!)
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