Sunday, February 1, 2009


You know how sometimes the stars align, and you get everything on the "To Do" list done on the first day of the weekend? And other times the stars align and you don't get any of it done by the end of Sunday? This weekend has been the former kind. I started with a list that I was sure would take us more than 2 days to get done, but what do you know? We were done by bedtime yesterday! And now I can deal with those 4 freckly brown bananas by making banana bread. That wasn't even on the list! Ha! Take that, stars!

Before kids, we'd do everything on the list and still have time for a bike ride Saturday and Sunday mornings, and have time for a hike on Saturday afternoon, and a nice dinner out on Sunday night. And I'd cook up a dozen or 2 jars of jam, just for fun. In those days, our list would include such ambitious items as "build a new deck" and "plant a few flats of flowers" and things that we just don't even put on lists anymore.

Still, it feels so good to get everything on our measly list accomplished early. It helps that e-baby has been willing to go to bed before 9:30 the last two nights. And, just like that, I jinxed us to have all-nighters this week.


PartnerInCrime said...

That's awesome. The fact that you're getting *anything* done at this point in pregnancy is worthy of a round of applause. I'm pretty sure all I did at 36 weeks was lie in bed, take lots of baths, and moan about how miserable I was.
And darn it, now I want banana bread. I have some freckly bananas too (c-baby said she wanted them at the store, then we got home & she didn't). Off to google a recipe...

Lizard Breath said...

Ah yes, but your to do list is much more exciting now, isn't it? We are keeping our fingers crossed that you didn't jinx yourself and that e-baby has a wonderful week! Take care of yourself and eh, might want to think about packing that bag sometime soon. :)

Tony said...

speaking of all-nighters... we're at the hospital! baby brother is on the way!
names? got any? discuss...

Christa said...
