Friday, September 2, 2005

But On A Lighter Note:
(lifted from the St Petersburg Times Q&A)

Is there going to be a shortage of Tabasco sauce, too, since it comes from southern Louisiana?

Apparently not. The McIlhenny Co., makers of Tabasco, has its headquarters on Avery Island, La., west of New Orleans. The company reports that Hurricane Katrina took out its Web site but not its operations and there will be no interruption in the processing of the hot stuff.

Whew! There will be no interruption to my daily omelette-soaked-in-pepper-sauce ritual.


PartnerInCrime said...

Niiice. Btw, did you know that our grandfather was friends with Mr. McIlhenny? There are some weird vague celebrity connections we have through that man - from going to high school with Louis Prima to all of the N.O. bigwigs that he rubbed elbows with back in his day.

alphagal said...

Whoa- I didn't know that. Along a similar note (pun intended!), my dad went to high school with Dr. John (which wasn't his name back then, of course). Jesuit sure did churn out the great musicians, eh?

Bashö said...

a shortage wouldn't have stopped your omelette ritual; it just would have upped the price of Tabasco to $145 a gallon...